Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Play hard

That's Bart, our 2 year old Australian Shepard and he's tired. Let me explain why. (And yes we know he is incredibly cute but he is also crazy as can be.)

So we've been hit with the first good snow storm of the season over the last week. For some that means hiding inside and avoiding being out in the cold as much as possible. For us that means grabbing the snowshoes and heading for the powder.

On the 17th we hosted the first Fleet Feet Sports Snow Cheap Winter Trail Race. While we didn't have enough snow to use snowshoes we did get 120+ runners to come out and run the trails, on snow, in the dark. What made the night so special for us was that everyone just really appeared to be out having fun. Sure some raced hard but most just wanted to experience the joy of running something different. To hear adults just laughing as they ran was very special.

On the 19th we got hammered with snow, so what did we do? As soon as we closed up the shop we met a few friends for a night time snowshoe run/hike at the local park. 7 people, 3 dogs and tons of fresh powder, what could be better? Well the mexican food at Dorado post workout came close to being better.

On the 21st Ellen and I took Bart out to a park we've never been to (well I have but I grew up here so I think I've been to almost every park) Again it would be a headlamp hike as it was real dark out and the snow was real deep. We didn't go long but what a nice hike. No one else was out and we hiked along a pond and out onto a golf course where the powder was super deep, especially for Bart. He could just keep his chin above the snow in parts but man he loves the snow.

Finally on the 22nd we did hit a park that neither one of us has ever been to. It is a new one so it wasn't around when I was younger. It was after work so we grabbed the lamps, the dog and the snowshoes and headed out. We would only be out for 35 minutes or so but this was a great hike. Again we were all alone but the beauty of our surroundings was breathtaking. The trail was super narrow with deep powder all around. It was very dark back in the trees so all we had was the beam from our headlamps, very cool.

During this time of year when everyone is just way too busy I thought it was important that we just went out and played in the snow. I was never worried about getting in a "workout" or how tough it was, I just wanted to get outside in some fresh air and play in the snow with some friends, my wife and our dog. Don't get so caught up in your day that you forget to just have some fun.
I think we all need to be more like Bart. He is a working breed so he needs a job to do (his official title at the store is female customer aquisition specialist, aka chicks dig him) All he really wants to do is play (and eat) and when he gets to, he plays hard. When he is done playing he sleeps and then he starts all over again. Work, play, sleep, repeat. Makes sense to me.

Live FIT.

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